Mentoring Boys – Where Have All The Men Gone?

helping-mentorMentoring boys and young men into effective members of society able to make a deep contribution has always been a key task of every generation. But what happens when the men go missing and boys don’t receive the guidance, love, nurture and support they need?
In this week’s podcast I am spending some time reflecting on a powerful quote I read recently and what it offers us in terms of reaching and mentoring boys. It is also worth listening to in terms of how disempowered many men and fathers are. So many men don’t realise that their failures and pain have as much to teach boys as their triumphs and successes. Continue reading

Programs For Boys – Interview With Craig McClain


jonathan doyle boys to menIn this powerful interview Jonathan Doyle from Choicez Media and The Men We Need interviews inspirational boys’ program founder Craig McClain from the Boys to Men Program. Developing great programs for boys is all about knowing their deepest needs and their hopes to become better men. Listen in as Jonathan and Craig explore some key issues in reaching boys and making a difference in their lives as well as experiencing the growth men can experience in their own lives when they commit to mentoring and sharing with young men.





JD:            Fantastic!  Alright, well let’s just into it.  Well welcome once again to the Men We Need Podcast.  I’ve got a great pleasure today to introduce you to Craig MacLean, joining us all the way from San Diego.  Craig has done some absolutely fantastic works as a Co-founder and now Executive Director of  Now the Boys To Men Program so far – 6,300 young men through the programme and interestingly a 75% retention rate within 12 months for boys through the programme.  So here at The Men We Need we are always keen to find out the great stuff that’s being done round the world, so Craig welcome aboard! Continue reading

How To Reach Boys In One Easy Step.


A Dinosaur and a Frenchman.

Yesterday I unearthed my first dinosaur on an archaeological dig and it reminded me of a frenchman who started a very successful religious order. Ok…now don’t click out of this post. I will make the link…I promise.

My little boy is four and is obsessed with dinosaurs. I have no idea how this happens. So many boys seem to hit a dinosaur phase about the same age. I have not run a peer reviewed study but I saw my nephews do the same thing. Ok, so three boys is not, perhaps, the largest sample size in history…but anyway, let’s get on with this post. Continue reading

Boys Need Men


I can still see him leaning against the wall.

It was late afternoon; the room was emptying. I had just completed a daylong seminar program for young men at an elite private school. We had covered all the big issues; life, sex, relationships, pornography and what it takes to become a fine man in a culture that celebrates the man-boy and elevates the juvenile. Continue reading