Boys’ Education Video Blog Episode 3


Boys Suffer Poor Body Image

Motivation and Engagement of Boys: Evidence-Based Teaching Practices.

Hi again, Jonathan Doyle here and welcome to the Choicez Media Boys’ Education Weekly Video Blog.

Let us follow up on the concept I introduced last week, that being the concept of virtues education.

 As I mentioned previously, virtues are habits and these habits over time shape character.

Often in boys’ education we are scrambling to deal with immediate circumstances and the occasional crisis that we can forget that each choice a boy makes is having an impact on who they are becoming.

 The best example I give of this is Doesteovsky’s famous novel, Crime and Punishment. At the start of the book the main character is contemplating murder. At that point, he is simply a person considering murder. When he commits the act there is a change in his core identity and he becomes a murderer.

 In essence actions create character over time and this is a message at the heart of The Men We Need program.

 Boys will actually get the concept of actions forming character and identity.

Competitive activities from full contact sport, to debating, to Chess club teach them that practice and repetitive action build capacity and capacity leads to mastery and success.

Next week we will start looking at some of the main virtues and how to go about strengthening them.


Boys and body image is a topic slowly entering the wider conversation in boys’ education.

For many years issues with body images were seen as something impacting only young women.

An increasing body of research is highlighting just what a major issues its becoming for boys.

While girls are likely to diet in response to body image concerns our young men are likely to engage in excessive and often dangerous exercise regimes.

Another issue is the high usage by some boys of protein drinks and other supplements. While some of these supplements can be dangerous the other issue is that some boys are failing to get adequate nutrition due to their heavy reliance on these products.

And, as you know better than anyone, a hungry or tired boy can be a challenge.

A Response 

The rise in body image issues means that more than ever schools are special places that can play a huge role in countering toxic cultural messages about manhood and body image. The question becomes, “How is your school allowing boys to be celebrated for the fullness of who they are? What recognition systems, rituals and structures allow boys to be celebrated for their spiritual, intellectual, and psychological gifts?”

See you next week.

Jonathan Doyle