Boys and Testosterone

boys and testosteroneUnless you’ve been living under a rock recently a lot has been happening on the broad landscape of contemporary masculinity.

First, Jamie Packer, media mogul and Australia’s riches man went toe-to-toe in a street brawl with the head of a major TV station David Gyngell.

Second, professional rugby player Konrad Hurrell posted a sexually explicit video of himself and a female TV reporter and finally cricketer Keiron Pollard decided to throw his bat at the head of bowler Mitchel Starc. Continue reading

Benji Marshall And Humility

benji marshall and humility

Benji Marshall

Stone the crows. Last week I had the unique experience of reading the sports pages where a major story had something extraordinary to offer young men.

I’ll assume no prior knowledge here about rugby as I know many readers are based around the world. Let me set the stage.

Rugby League hero Benji Marshal quit his long-time team the Wests Tigers to follow a two million dollar deal to play rugby union in New Zealand. He left his beloved Tigers in a somewhat less-than-ideal set of circumstances. Long story short. He was lousy at rugby union. It’s a totally different game. They offered him the option of going to play local club rugby in the New Zealand suburbs for 12 months. That’s a long way down the totem pole of sporting super stardom. Continue reading

Initiating Boys – Tattoos, Beards and the Search for Manhood.

boys and tattoosIs it just me or did anyone notice a huge surge in tattoos a few years back? Is it just me or did half the NRL and AFL seem to have woken up one day and decided to impersonate a Celtic warrior tribe complete with neck tattoos and warrior bands on their arms. Continue reading

Programs For Boys – Interview with Francis Owusu From Kulture Break

Screen Shot 2013-06-07 at 1.54.34 PMA special interview with Francis Owusu from KutlureBreak where we discuss programs for boys and much more.


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JD:            Well welcome to The Weekly Podcast, Jonathan Doyle with you once again.  Ladies and gentlemen, this is a big change this week.  After many, many months now of you listening to me I suddenly realised that there’s over 6 billion people in the world.  And many of these people have wonderful insights for us.  So I wanted to do something different this week; this week I’ve got us a very special guest to join us on The Weekly Podcast, and over the next few weeks I really want to start talking with people who are doing really fantastic stuff in the area of changing lives, changing culture, helping us all grow and learn.  So I’ve got a very special guest for you who has done some amazing work over the last decade, and we’ll talk about that as we go.  But I’m talking today to Francis Owusu who’s the Founder and CEO of an amazing organisation called Kulture Break which I have been aware of in different times over recent years.  And he’s somebody making a real difference in the lives of so many people and I just know in this interview we are going to hear some insights into what we can all do to contribute, to grow, to change.  So Francis, with that glowing recommendation welcome to The Weekly Podcast.

FO:           Well welcome and thank you for having me on board. Continue reading

An Interview with Dr. Abigail James Phd on Boys’ Education

programs for boysIn this powerful boys’ education interview Jonathan Doyle talks with gender based education expert Dr. Abigail Norfleet James on key issues such as teaching boys and how to develop programs for boys that really succeed. Dr. James is a dynamic and passionate communicator and this interview will help parents, teachers and anyone with an interest in boys’ education make better connections with boys in the classroom and beyond.

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JD:            Well welcome back once again to The Men We Need Podcast.  I’ve got a real treat for you this week.  We’ve been talking off-air and having a few laughs about some of the boys ed suspects that we know[h].  Today I’ve got the privilege of talking with Dr Abigail Norfleet James who is joining us from Virginia and we’re in deep winter here, but I was just noticing the light shining through the window where Abigail is sitting.  You’re heading what, into mid-summer now?

AJ:            We are, about 32 degrees this afternoon.

JD:            32 degrees – that’s Celsius correct?

AJ:            Celsius, yes.

JD:            Virginia…does Virginia have beaches?

AJ:            Ah yes it does, Virginia Beach. Continue reading

An Interview with Darren Lewis from Fathering Adventures.

programs for boys

In this powerful interview Jonathan Doyle talks with Darren Lewis, founder of Fathering Adventures about his programs for boys and their fathers. We learn about the incredible role that a father can play in the lives of sons and daughters and much more.

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Welcome to The Men We Need Podcast.  I have the huge pleasure this week of speaking to somebody that I have wanted to talk to for a long time, I have been an unashamed fan of his work because I think it’s absolutely crucial and you know in all the years that I have been working I feel this has been a missing link.  It’s not work that I do, but I think it’s crucial work.  So I am talking with Mr Darren Lewis who is the founder of ‘Fathering Adventures’.  So Darren welcome aboard.

DL:           Thanks Jonathan, it’s great to be speaking with you also.

JD:            And you live in a tough part of the world mate – where are you based?

DL:           Based in Townsville in North, in tropical [h] North Queensland.

JD:            [h] Tropical North Queensland where if it swims, flies, slithers or crawls it can kill you.

DL:           Er, pretty much, pretty much[h].  Continue reading

Help For Email Overload And Social Media Addiction

email overloadOne of the biggest challenges young men seem to face is managing social media overload in their increasingly busy lives. What if there was a way we could help them  to manage the impact of email and social upon their life. Listen in to this podcast as I think I have something for them that will really help.

Email overload and social media addiction is becoming a massive problem but email overload and social media does not have to rule our lives. There is a lot we can do and it is not that complex.


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The Loneliness Of Boys

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programs for boysHow do you talk to girls?

I was sitting in the back of a taxi on the way to another airport.  I had just spent the day delivering seminars to Year 10 boys on manhood, sexuality, pornography and much more. Part of the seminar included the chance for the boys to write anonymous questions related to the big issues we had covered during the day. I would then read them during the week between my first and second seminar with them and answer them upon my return.

That particular day, at one of the most elite private schools in the country, had gone very well. A large part of the impact is simply that as a speaker you come from ‘outside the community’ and also that I addressed issues that are central to their lives but rarely spoken about. Continue reading

The Science of Pornography Addiction

pornography addiction

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Boys and pornography is becoming a big issue for schools and parents. Find out some great information from my recent conference talk.

We only have a very short time together this afternoon so I only wanted to share with you a few basic insights into the way that pornography is shaping our society and in that process impacting millions of individuals and the relationships they value. I have a favourite speaker who once said, “You don’t need a whole bunch of great ideas to change your life  you just need one good idea that you’re actually prepared to use.” So that’s what I want to do this afternoon. I want to leave you with one or two useful insights that you can take forward into your home or professional life. I will give you all a load of free stuff at the end as well as my contact details and if you would like me to work with your organisation or business then we can have that conversation. Continue reading

What Will Make Me Truly Happy?

find happiness

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The title of our second session is What Will Make Me Truly Happy? I wanted to ask your permission to work this talk off my laptop. It will be a little different to my first talk.

So lets begin,

I think that we can hopefully agree from our first session that there are a lot of things about our current culture and its ‘culture of silence’ that are not making us happy. It takes a lot of courage and humility to look into our lives and be honest enough to see that we are believing things or choosing things or doing things that are making us miserable. It’s much easier to just continue on as if everything is fine. We get rewarded for doing that by various forms of social acceptance.

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